


Betraktelser & Berättelse

Ett parallellt universum

Jag läser kontinuerligt och med stort nöje Breakit’s nyhetsbrev liksom ett antal andra nyhetsbrev. Men jag blir mer och mer klar över att mitt liv framlevs i ett helt annat universum än vad de människor som skrivs om där framlever sina liv i.  Kanske kan man använda just den där iakttagelsen som bevis för att alternativa universa verkligen existerar. En stor grej i så fall. Men jag överlämnar gärna insamlandet av poäng på den saken  åt andra.



Tuffa på….


Jag stänger av maskinera.


#Python script to read #1-wire sensors and more Python scripts #VSCP #IoT

The most important mission with a m2m/IoT/whatever framework like VSCP is to make the world simpler for the end user. Yes for the “end user”, NOT for the developer.  That said it is of course good if things are as easy as possible for the developer to.

If you are new to VSCP the system is always overwhelming. It is a big system with many possibilities, but the event is central, VSCP is after all an event based system, and when your data is on the VSCP standardized event format you can present it, store it, react on it or calculate on it in a standardized way. Any solution you come up with that handles events will become a reusable component. For you and for others if you share your work. For instance. If you make a software that diagram measurement value and your intention is to show temperature changes this same piece of software will be useful for someone else to display concentration variations in a fluid of a process industry by just changing the description of the diagram labels.

VSCP events have a class and a type that specify what the event describes. This is typically a “measurement” or “info” or “control”. Samples are

Class=10, Type=6  The event describes a temperature.
Class=30, Type=5 Turn on something

You can read all about them here



#VSCP variables #IoT #m2m

Variables is a big thing in the VSCP daemon. You may wounder why? What the fuck, can a variable be sexy or even be an interesting feature. I would say yes. But don’t trust me. Read on.

In VSCP land two sorts of variables are known. Persistent and non persistent. This is all about sessions. A non persistent variable is fast but is sent to never never land after a power loss or a VSCP daemon restart. That is when a session ends. Still useful for many things. But never around for to long. A bit like money if you think of it. At least mine.

The other type, the persistent one, lives also after a power drop and a VSCP server restart. Saved over sessions. That is, works just as they where a database items. Tell you a secret? They are. They are just exposed to the word as a “variable”.

All VSCP variables have a type. The type tells what sort of value a variable holds. There are plenty. First types like a string, integer, long, double, boolean. A string just stores some sort of text, just as an integer type stores a number and so on.