Betraktelser & Berättelse

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Fick den här kommentaren i VSCP projektet. Jag känner mig faktiskt hedrad att någon i det där systemet över huvud taget bryr sig om en protest från en liten skit som mig.

Men för att vara helt klar. Jag stödjer det fria ordet, demokrati och människors rätt att själv välja och vad de vill säga och göra. Självklarheter.

100% stöd för Ukraina härifrån. Finns ingen tvekan. Naturligtvis.

Your support for Ukraine and your anti-Putin rhetoric is certainly an issue with your project so I thought Id report it as such.

You need to be very careful that you’re not backing the wrong horse. I am sure that you mean well but you have been drawn in completely by Western propaganda. I actually lived and worked in Ukraine before the Maiden protests and subsequent coup took place. I can tell you for sure that western NGO’s were paying students to protest. After the coup, Poroshenko was installed by the West and immediately outlawed the Russian language and started to persecute all Russians. For 8 long years now, the Kiev government has been bombing and killing civilians in Donbas. The Ukrainians are terrified by their military which are filled with Nazis and regularly abuse civilians, particularly the Russian speaking. In fact, many Ukrainians are relieved that Russia has intervened. Maybe there might have been another way? Maybe Putin could have done more to stop the West flooding Ukraine with military equipment? Maybe Putin could have done something else to stop the build up of far right anti-Russian military groups in Ukraine? I can’t see how to be honest. None of us want war except, it seems, our Western leaders. But whatever your point of view on Ukraine, a software development site is not the place voice those opinions.

Please remove this ill-founded anti-Russian rhetoric and get back to what you are clearly very good at. You are clearly an expert at software development but equally, you are no expert at international politics.

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